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Rays of sunshine

Behind the veil*wheel Lebanon
Sabine, Behind the wheel

Podcast Sabine: Rays of Sunshine

Sabine Saliba is a very special person not just because of her intriguing personality but also because of her openness to share her personal story. A story, many people would not be able to speak about. Sabine tells about her being a feminist from the very beginnings in a patriarchal society and finding her passion in fighting for children’s rights working for an NGO, based between Europe and the Middle East. In this interview, Sabine also talks very openly about the tragedy in her life and how she started healing herself. Her daughters gave her the strength to create a wonderful space in the midst of Beirut.

They used to call me the person who always revolted but I was always annoyed about the society around me and I became a feminist quite early

Sabine Saliba

They always call us princesses here in the Middle East and we (men) need to protect you – this was one of their ways to justify taking a lot of power from us

Sabine Saliba

I couldn’t protect her from outside pain but I wanted to be a source of happiness for her. This is how I decided to rebuild myself

Sabine Saliba about her daughter

Rays of sunshine is a wholistic place where one can find a cafe with healthy vegan food in a welcoming and open atmosphere and a studio for body and soul. Starting with yoga but going even deeper into dance or drama therapy. In the process of looking for healing herself, Sabine wanted to create this space for others as a safe zone. In Lebanon, this is pioneering but more and more people become aware of their bodily and psychological needs. And, there is a revolution going on that shows how desperately the younger generation wants to get the opportunity to create a new living in this beautiful country apart from former conflicts.

Thank you for the music! Creative Commons License (by-nc-nd)
Bazar (ID 822) – Lobo Loco
Ver Elini – Hayvanlar Alemi

One Reply

  1. It‘s very touching and apart from that really interesting. One can feel the power of this very strong woman. And there is more of them!! And I want to hear more about them. Thank you ♥️♥️

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